
We value

We believe in perfection in the art of tea

our customer

About company

TeaCo, where each sip bring people closer to the nature. Since 1995, we offer the finest, organic and aromatic teas sourced directly from small producers around the world. Nestled in the serene hills of Darjeeling, factory combines traditional and modern technology!

Where each blend tells story of finest traditions

The global tea supply annually significant portion being exported

Pounds of tea Annual Production
Teaco is one of the world's largest tea producers & harvests over 9000+ pounds of teas annually, dominating global tea market with its diverse range of teas including the finest ingredients to provide luxurious tea experience.
The global tea supply annually significant portion being exported

Let's sip sustainably from our certified organic tea farms & gardens

Certified Organic tea gardens
We take pride in our commitment to quality, sustainability & environmental stewardship. Our 90+ certified organic tea gardens exemplify these values, ensuring that every cup of tea is delicious and responsibly produced.
Let's sip sustainably from our certified organic tea farms & gardens

Teaco is awarded by the world and loved by all tea lovers

An international awards for taste
We are proud to have received more than 99 international awards for the exceptional taste and quality of our teas. These accolades demonstrate our unwavering commitment to delight the senses of tea enthusiasts all over the world.
Teaco is awarded by the world and loved by all tea lovers

Made possible by skilled team

No matter how far we have come but what matter is how our base is. The team we always appreciate for their relentless support and dedication towards Teaco is always commendable
  • Indulge in pure goodness
  • Enjoy everything with tea
  • Feel Morning Wonders
  • Quality without compromise
  • Indulge in pure goodness
  • Enjoy everything with tea
  • Feel Morning Wonders
  • Quality without compromise
  • Indulge in pure goodness
  • Enjoy everything with tea
  • Feel Morning Wonders
  • Quality without compromise

Awards & company recognitions

Brand of year 2021
Awards winning 2021

Brand of year 2021

Brand of year 2022
Awards winning 2022

Brand of year 2022

Brand of year 2023
Awards winning 2023

Brand of year 2023

Brand of year 2024
Awards winning 2024

Brand of year 2024

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