Performance Focused
Code Standard
Simple modification, enhanced readability & optimization. Allow you change the functionality of the theme without edit the parent theme files.
Loads in just half a second!
Our theme is built for speed and fully optimized for performance.
SEO Optimized
Following ideal coding standards and built for speed to create a good website structure, optimize a website's technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity
Page Speed
Medisat WordPress themes features is light. It needs less resources. Code is always optimized for best performance on all environments.
Optimized code
Medisat set up data in order to improve performance, make it faster and more easily discoverable.
Powerful Design Options
Mega Menu Premium
Use attractive menu templates, it will directly allow users to select their destination without navigating through separate layers of a menu hierarchy.
Now everything is a simple click away. Use layouts to manage the headers, blogs, single pages, posts, etc.
Mobile Headers
In mobile header you can modified height of header menu fonts and colors
Colors & Typography
You can easily set colors and fonts that goes well with your website, and can manage the colors and typography of the entire website.
Header and Footer Options
Medisat comes with numbers of inbuilt beautiful header and footer options that can be extended further with the Pro addon of theme.
Sticky Header Premium
The header will stick to the top when you reach its scroll position.It allows quick access to the menu from any part of the page.
Page Headers
It contains a title and can be optionally combined with breadcrumbs buttons, search, and filters.
Dedicated Sidebar
You can create particular page sidebars that can override the settings and customizations of the default sidebar on your website.
Site Layouts
In this web page appears in a box in the browser, with space appearing around the box if your browser screen is sized larger than the box size
Default Container
Container layout types are available on any container element (group, floating group, repeating group, etc.), including the page itself. Content will be display within this width. You can try width in combination with container layout to create different views.
Full Width
In Full-Width layout the content spans from right to left and takes the full 100% of the screen's width.
Padding & Margin
There are no boundaries when it comes to the way you wish to fit content on your pages.
Mega Menu Premium
Enable mega menus with adjustable width, colors, add menu images & tons more.
Google Fonts
Medisat lets you choose from 700+ Google fonts to make sure you get the best typography for your website.
Responsive Font Size
We directly set your typography size according to the device. You can select different font sizes for different devices.
Menu & Header Fonts
You can setup menu and header fonts, style and color differently according to your convenience.
You set font options for text and headings and subheadings. Choose suitable fonts just with a click for a better user experience.
Text Transform , Font Variants
We provide global option for text style and weight, you just have to select as per your choice and will applied to whole website
Colors & Background
You can manage header color globally and additionally can also set for transparent header(overlay header).
Medisat gives you various options to manage colors on the footer too. You can select color as well as image as background.
Sticky Header Color
You can set different color and background color for sticky header
Single Page & Content Premium
Do you wish to manage colors and background on the single pages or paticluar content of your website? We allows you to control them through the Customizer.
Blog Layouts
Grid Layout
Display all your blog posts in a grid layout on your blog page using the blog layouts.
Full Width Layout
Display all your blog posts in a Full width container layout on your post page
Related Posts
This option will display if you have related post in single post page
Includes (Date, category, tags comments etc) Premium
Medisat allows you to display a date box for every post element that you add on your blog page. Display the published date in style! Similarly for the tags and category. We also allow the comments in post for each and every post particularly
Masonry Layout Premium
Beautifully crafted and diversely stylized section patterns, perfect for inserting on any of your website pages
Post Pagination
We allows you to add pagination to differentiate your blog posts within several pages that can be accessed through the buttons below.
Blog Sidebar Layouts
Medisat have designed the stylist blogs sidebar layout and can be extended further with the Pro addon of theme.
Global Designs Options
Global Color
You can create a dynamic color combination and can control colors across your entire website from one place. Use it globally.
Floating bar
Medisat provide a floating bar setup including position, colors, icons, typography etc..
Button Presets
Prebuilt designs for buttons across the website. Style your buttons easily and quickly with a ready set of button shapes, sizes, and borders.
Social Icons Widgets Premium
You no longer need a third party plugin to add social icons. Simply select the social network, add a link through the Medisat theme itself.
Header Logo Position
Medisat allows you to choose logo position in header with beautiful header layouts
Footer Call To Action Box Premium
Select the right layout you want to display with the Footer bar on your website. You can select and manage content within it.
Titlebar & Topbar
Medisat allows you a direct option for top bar which lets you add eye-catching notification bars to your WordPress site
Similarly, for titlebar you can setup titlebar setting in which you can change color and background image including typography globally!
Sidebar Settings Premium
We have beautifully designed various sidebar layout templates
Custom Layouts
Custom 404 Page
Medisat provides layout of 404 page but also allows you to design an attractive custom 404 page with content of your choice.
Portfolio Layouts
We have build numbers of layout of portfolio gallery with attractive hover effects over it.
Blogs Layouts
We have build several number of layout of posts with attractive hover effects over it.
Header and Footer
Medisat have designed several layout of header and footer and still expecting many more to come
Search page
You can enable disable the search option with Theme options, moreover with well designed.
Contact Form layout
We have framed forms layout just need to use short codes for each.